Welcome to Cosmic Voices. We hope the messages you find on this website will provide valuable guidance in these times of crisis and confusion. These words of love and inspiration were sent by souls offering hope to those of us navigating the chaos and turmoil of our world.
These souls are said to exist in a “greater reality.” But what does that mean? To us it means what lies beyond the boundaries we have set for ourselves, or accepted from society. These include the very boundaries of space and time as we normally understand them. We feel it is time to push those boundaries because meaningful answers to today’s questions don’t seem to be readily available within them.
Each Messenger has a unique way of expressing their wisdom. But the core messages are simple:
• Death is a transition to another form of existence
• We can break the destructive trajectory we are on by actions of love, empathy and
forgiveness, and by honoring our earth.
• Love is all there is.
What has brought you to explore this website? Is this a step in your own journey of self-discovery? It may feel wobbly at first -- it certainly was for me! But then I discovered a vast community of pilgrims taking this path along with us, and a host of guides and helpers in the “greater reality” cheering us on. How affirming it is to have these gracious souls show up and offer their messages for our benefit! As spiritual beings having a human experience, we are all in this together, finding glimpses of material reality – and beyond -- through a larger frame.
During a lifetime, we come to many choice points at which we can choose to “stay safe” or move into unknown territory. Of course, timing is everything, and if this doesn’t feel like a time for risk-taking, then by all means take a more familiar route. But if taking the road less traveled seems right at this moment, please consider what this website has to offer. See if it answers the question, “Will it help light my way?”
Cynthia Spring
Welcome to Our Website